Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Literacy Time

Today during literacy time, the children were working on their own chosen activities (in Reading and Writing). We now have a 'Friday Deadlines' system running. This means that during 11am - 12pm each day, the children can choose their own activities. However, there are always 2 or 3 tasks that are required to be completed by Friday each week. This stops certain people always choosing the same activity! Today I spotted Maggie Henry and Piper working very well together and they were chosen to take the photos you can see here. Well done girls.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Walk up Mount Kaukau

We all completed the long trip from our school to the very top of Mount Kaukau today. Some of us got very tired but we didn't give up and we all made it up there! We ate our lunch at the summit and admired the great view. Well done everyone.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Final Egg Zorb Results.

Our top egg zorbs were very well put together! In the end we had to roll them down the hill again, but that didn't break them! So we rolled them down a steep bump in the garden, but that didn't break them! Then we rolled them down the junior playground slide onto the ground, but that didn't break them! Finally we tried rolling them down the wooden stairs by the junior block and at last we had success.

Our final results go like this:

1st Place - 'Too Much Makeup Margaret' (Caitlin, Suniya and Rose)

2nd Place - 'Stewart' (Daniel and Patrick)

3rd Equal Place - 'Silly Sally' (Aarushi, Olivia and Maggie E)
                          - 'M.P' (Poppy and Maggie H)

Monday, 14 March 2016

Maths Games Websites

During our maths rotations, some children each day are working on the laptops. I have been encouraging them to use the online games websites based on our current unit which is addition and subtraction. The children can also try some of these websites at home if they like by going to one of these links and choosing addition / subtraction games.

Down they go!!

Yesterday afternoon we rolled the zorbs down the hill by the playground and they all went pretty fast! Half of them protected the egg really well, the other half had some egg yolk related mishaps! We had lots of fun and we will have the finals soon to work out which were most well protected zorbs and which eggs were the best drivers.

The final washup...

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Egg Zorb Challenge

Thankfully no one in Room has an allergy to eggs! This means we can take part in our next challenge, the Egg Zorb Challenge. The children worked in small groups to each decorate an egg (we only cracked two eggs which was less than I expected!!) Then we watched a movie about Zorbs and how well they can roll people down a hill. Their challenge now is to design a zorb for an egg so the egg can roll down a steep hill without smashing on the way down! On Monday, the children will be given a jar and a selection of materials that will cushion the egg as it rolls down the hill to meet it's destiny. Hopefully the eggs will enjoy their ride and many of them with make it safely to the bottom of the hill!

 Patrick and Daniel with 'Stewart'

 Maggie, Olivia and Aarushi with 'Silly Sally'

 Kirsten, Samhita and Serena with 'Mr Chicken Man'

 Rose, Suniya and Caitlin with '2 Much Makeup Margaret'

 Ian, Kaden and Nakul with 'Bob'

 Codie and Jacob with 'Arjent Buttpants III'

 Gabi and Piper with 'Cheesy'

 Roman, Jayden and Ted with 'Double Demon II'

Poppy and Maggie with 'M.P'

The eggs sit unsuspecting of what is coming on Monday afternoon!

Olympics Mascots Winners

Gold Medal - Roman, Patrick and Daniel

Silver Medal - Nakul, Ted, Codie and Jacob

Bronze Medal - Rose, Aarushi and Olivia

Special mentions also go to Ted and Jayden for both putting in amazing efforts on the designs of their mascots!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Olympics Mascots

Today, the children worked in groups to come up with their own olympics mascots if the olympics was held in New Zealand. There were 3 criteria they had to meet. 1) It had to be something significant to New Zealand. 2) It needs a cool name. 3) It needs to be eye-catching. Then they had to briefly present these mascots in front of the class.